Another Week!!!
TGIF - again!!! Where did the past week go???? I can tell you, I've been doing a lot of: test knitting, working, working, and trying to be a good test student (working!). I do have some measurable progress: (Another terrible picture, LOL) This is the test knit I'm working on. It looks a million times better in the daylight of course. This yarn has many color dimensions - there's blue and teal and black, among other things, and it just beams! The yarn is a bit rustic but the fabric at this gauge is lovely (even though I find myself picking out the occasional small piece of hay). I've been coming up to the end of the first cake of yarn for days - someone the yarn is reproducing at the core and I just can't seem to get to the end of it! I was hoping that would be a good milestone but it continues to be elusive. I have not knit on anything else, nor have I engaged in any other yarn-related crafts. This may be a first! In wildlife news - ...