
I'm doing it now, and I still haven't wrapped my head around exactly how it works:

(Generic hat pattern - 88 stitches; yarn is left over from a two-color brioche scarf I made last winter.)

I have a lot more projects in process than I realized.  Remember a few years ago, when Neuro and I had a theme year for finishing?  I think I need to do some more of that!!

Speaking of which - that reddish object behind the swirley hat - it's a pair of socks that I knit probably 5 years ago now.  It's a fancy pattern, and involves some embroidery embellishments (that's what the yellow is for, also peeking out from behind the hat).  I try to do these finicky things in small doses, otherwise I tend to abandon the project.  Maybe these can count towards my March sock quota?  (The second Hawthorne sock is blocking right now so I'll have made my February quota a little early).

Still no wildlife sightings to report - either they're all still hunkering down back in the woods, or we're all just missing each other with the timing.  There is an icy crust on the snow, so maybe they're all still digging out too!  I also see only one goat out this morning - maybe it's the billy?  He's mostly black, with some white, and has a bit of a beard.


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