Oh Boy

The good news is that my mom continues to be thrilled with her new slippers; she keeps saying that wearing them is like walking on a cloud!

However - evidently one of two things has now happened:  1) my dad would also like to walk around on a cloud; or 2) my mom would like my dad to wear wool slippers instead of his leather ones; I guess the wool ones act as dustmops, where his leather ones somehow leave smudges on the floor?  Either way, it looks like I'm going to be making another pair of these pretty soon.  Father's Day, perhaps?

(I'm going to need to figure out what colors and how much yardage I will need, and then I will be off to the Webs web site for some shopping.  I might need another cone of Franklin pretty soon too - we'll see how much damage happens.)

Not to inundate you with book reports, but I have another one to keep you entertained inbetween knitting and unknown flora/fauna pictures:

The second to the last book that I have finished reading is Becoming, by Michelle Obama.  It has nothing to do with anything oogy, but I read it for three reasons:  1) I wanted to learn more about this interesting woman; 2) my book club (comprised of former work colleagues) selected it for our next discussion; and 3) I’d heard great things about it.

Well, it was all of those things, and more.  If Michelle wrote this mostly on her own, she is an amazing storyteller and writer; and, even if she had a lot of help with the writing, she had to be incredibly introspective and reflective in order to describe the material to someone else to write about.  This made me think of her even more highly, and frankly wish that she and Barack were within our circle of friends because they sound absolutely fascinating and also fun to hang out with!
The book was a very enjoyable and informative read.  Michelle describes the events and happenings surrounding her life in all of its various phases.  Remarkably, she does not veer away from issues of bias – be they racial, socioeconomic, or gender – while, at the same time, sharing her reactions in ways that are very relatable.  Michelle also provides some great insights into Barack; after learning more about him from her perspective, I would like to read the books he’s written so I can get to know him a bit better as well.

I highly recommend this book – after you’re done you will gotten to know some amazing people who are making this world a better place.  Even if you don’t necessarily agree with her politics, you will still find Michelle to be an intelligent, thoughtful, and interesting person.

And - it turns out that there is a 4th reason to want to read this book: it provides an additional foundation for me to pretend that Barack is still President!


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