Sturm und Drang

The Sturm:  Today was the first of our boiling hot days as we are in the midst of our most intense sun angle for the year and now we're also in the process of sharing in some of the warm and moist air courtesy of the remnants of Hurricane Barry.  (I realize it's all relative - we've got nothing on the temperatures in Las Vegas or the flood threats in New Orleans, for example, but we're practically in Canada here!)  Today was a blazing 90 degrees until some of that hot air got caught up with cooler breezes coming off of the big lake.  These were lurking over our house when I arrived home this afternoon:

(You can kind of see the hay-less field in the first pic.)

Then a big wind and rain came, and there was some lightning.  I think it cooled off about 10 degrees.  Although not for long - we're supposed to be in for more of this kind of thing over the next few days.  I don't know how often I'll be running out into it, but at least you can get the idea.  (The sun just came out again!)

The Drang:  What's with all the purling?  July Hat, released today, has big blocks of it as well.  Yes, it's a First World problem.  And it's also probably karmic balance for all of the non-purling that is going on in the fine lace.  But still - WTF?  Anyway - I'll likely make it in blue or a neutral color, so that I have a couple of hats on hand that are suitable for men.  Which also call for a pom-pom alternative - either a knotted i-cord or a button or something.  We'll see what these hats demand!  (May Hat is already blocked and I didn't think of this before so perhaps a button?)


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