Old Can Be New

As I was scrounging around in the "to-be-finished" bin the other day to retrieve the second giant ball of Only One roving, I was reminded that I still needed to deal with Transient.

It all started when LW and I wandered into a yarn store in Provincetown last summer.  We weren't looking for it, but when we saw it there we decided to go in.  There on the shelf was a large assortment of Concentric - a 4-ply, gradient, alpaca yarn.  There were several super fun colors, and for some reason I just had to have one of them.  It wasn't cheap, but what the heck - we were on vacation!!

Uncharacteristically, I chose a pattern for it and started knitting right away.  The Transient pattern was designed specifically for this yarn, so the changes in the patterns coincided with the changes in the yarn color (one of the few times something like a scarf/shawl needs to be close to gauge!).  I don't think I stopped knitting on this thing, and was done with it really soon.  I really enjoyed both the yarn and the pattern.

And when it was done I hated it.  It was smaller than I liked, less drapey than I liked, and kind of clunky.  Into the finishing pile it went.

There it sat, until I hauled it out for review by LW, who listened patiently to my descriptions of anxiety and then simply suggested that I block the crap out of it and see what happens.  Worse case, I could then rip it all out and find something else to make with it (which was going to be my plan until then).

Yesterday I took her advice and reappropriated the former guest room:

You don't see any pins there, so I'm not exactly blocking the crap out of it, but it is alpaca, and I did stretch it around a bit.  I also did some googling about how best to wear these asymmetrical shawls, especially if they are on the smaller side.  Two words:  SHAWL PIN.  I don't hate it anymore, and will now have a nice, warm, stylish shawl that I don't hate and that will remind me of the Cape!

In other news, I've stopped messing around with all the palate cleansers and have finally started on the Only One:

Additionally, I've just finished the first Bamboo sock and have turned the heel for the second MONKEY sock.  Close to You is ready for blocking, just as soon as Transient is done hogging all the mats.  Fine lace knitting marches on, although I'm nowhere close to Neuro, who is zooming right though hers!


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