Changed My Mind (Again)

OK, here's what's going to happen:

The Shifting Hues afghan is going to be for Oogyhubby's cousin's wedding in June.  That will give me more time, they live in warmer climes, and the colors better suit her.  I'm at about 25% (insert usual caveats; I didn't say I wasn't still addicted to working on it!):

What about Oogynephew?, you might ask.  Well, turns out I had already made most of an afghan and had tucked it away for an opportune time - and had forgotten all about it until the other day!  It needs a good soak and I think a fancy border; here it is before both of those things:

It's a variation on a mitered square theme, with Woolease for the colors and some coned wool of sorts for the brown.  I thought a black and creme border might liven it up a bit, this is what I'm currently thinking about:

Here is the link on Ravelry so you can view photo credits and details.  I'm planning for the teal parts to be black, and the white parts to be creme.

Meanwhile - the purple yarn I'm using for October Hat is behaving more like a worsted than a DK, so I didn't have to go down a needle size at all!  I'm still contemplating making another September!

I'm also starting to freak out about holiday knitting, and expect I'll be doing some of that planning very soon.  I have a few things already made, but it helps to be a bit better organized about it!

I continue to binge-read Sue Grafton alphabet mysteries.  This, too, shall pass.

A couple of deer were out at sunrise this morning, and there are ladybugs everywhere.  The leaves continue to rain down, and with more rain due tomorrow I expect it will all be a soggy mess again soon. 


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