The Last of the $1.97 Gap Scarves

Hello on this bright and sunny Monday!  I hope you're well; we're good here.

Once upon a time, probably about 18 or so years ago now, some work friends and I ran out for a fairly typical lunchtime excursion - walk around the mall looking for great sales, get a giant salad from one of those salad places, and get a giant iced coffee from one of those coffee places.  I'm not really a big shopper, but it was always fun to find super bargains, and this whole trip always took less than an hour.

One of the best finds I had was a set of wool scarves at The Gap.  They were this lovely gray color, but had this ugly yellow stripe at both ends.  No wonder they were on sale!  I think their original price was about $20, and they were marked down to $1.97 each.  I bought them all - there were about 8, I think.  I originally thought I'd just cut off the offensive yellow parts, and re-knit the ends. 

Instead, over the years I've dyed them and given them away.  I had one left, for some reason, and it got dyed during our Dyeing Weekend with the rest of the Twilight I had:

I think it came out super nice and, unbelievably, it took up most of the dye as well.  I'd boiled this one, which is one of the reasons why I kept darting in and out of camera that day - it needed to be stirred every few minutes.  You can't even see the formerly-yellow stripes, they're just a bit darker than everything else, with a slight hint of green.

It appears that I'm finishing up the last pattern repeat on the Switching Modes Cowl, and will need to be sedated prior to grafting those 75 stitches!  It's turning out great, and I think I have enough of the yarns left to make coordinating mitts of some kind.

I also continue to plug away at My Corona; I'm way past the halfway point and might even be at about 65-70% done.  I haven't bothered to count the rows since realizing that won't make it go any faster.

In wildlife news: there is no news to report.  The weather has been amazingly clear and cool - even cold - and everyone has been very quiet.  I expect it's because there is abundance in the woods, and the yellow whatever doesn't seem to be an attractive option.  The daffodils have all died away and there isn't much else in the way of flowering going on at the moment.  The lilies will all start to come out soon, but I'm in definite need of some irises.  Neuro has said I can have some of hers, since they have nearly encircled her house already!


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