Formerly Untitled

 Happy Saturday and mid-weekend!  I hope you're all well and safe; we're good here, and remain covered in dog drool.

Run, do not walk, to Neuro's blog, for she has completed Clue 1 for the KAL!!  Those colors are super awesome, Neuro!!!!

I'm STILL working on Clue 1, although I'm in the home stretch!  WTF with 8 bazillion repeats of this huge pattern for the last part???  LOL.

(The weird shape is due to me stretching it out close to the needles - the thing is just a long rectangle, nothing to see here.)

Not much else to report.  I saw a momma deer and her baby this morning as I was walking Benson.  We all kind of stared at each other.  They were far enough away so that no one got excited.  Which is fine by me!


neuroknitter said…
Your colors are so soothing and pretty. I believe that I'm beginning to accept the colors in much of Color A in that long section was a bit jarring, though!
I just finished the thorn stitch and was glad to see it end. Happy knitting!

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