Other Things The Dog Ate Yesterday

So Happy It's Thursday!  I hope you're well; we're good here.

I'm not sure why Benson was on such a tear yesterday, but his ingestion of non-food items continued into the afternoon.  (Don't worry, there are no pictures.)

First there were the mouthfuls of grass.  I'm told that some dogs like to eat grass, and that it's OK, they only rarely throw it back up again.  I guess some grass tastes good?  We don't treat the grass, and (with two exceptions) he doesn't really eat that much of it, so we don't fret if Benson grabs a bite here and there when we're out walking.

Exception #1: When Oogyhubby mows, and the mower leaves behind what I've come to think of as Soylent Green disks - although they're grass, not people, LOL (perhaps hamster food might be a better description?).  They're like compressed bunches of grass that have come off of the lawnmower.  Benson makes a beeline for these - concentrated goodness.  They seem a bit much for him, so we try to avoid them (not always successful though).

Exception #2 - Again, when Oogyhubby mows, especially lately since the grass is a bit high, it leaves behind trails of long, mowed grass.  We're in the country, there's no raking or scooping up of this stuff - it blows away or the deer eat it or whatever (I would think it appears like salad in a bag to them - all of the work is already done, LOL).  Well, Benson thought this was just great, and he started, literally, mowing on it.  Head down, mouth open, grass scooping into his mouth.  It was like the compressed disks, except it wasn't compressed.  That was a bit much as well, so we're trying to avoid those sections of lawn and driveway until they clear out a bit more.

And then there are the earplugs.  Oogyhubby has these squishy earplugs he wears when he mows or otherwise makes loud noises.  Benson must think of these like Oogyhubby-flavored gumdrops, because he's always after them.  Yesterday he got one of two of them and down they went!!  Fortunately these are small enough to pass through (he's done this before).

So I guess mowing the lawn is something to celebrate from a dog's perspective!

The good news is that it's all clearing through.  I'll spare you the details, but it's not anything like the core sample those guys get out of the Arctic ice or whatever.  At least that would be entertaining as well.

So far Benson has ignored most of the yarn and fiber he's encountered.  But I'm sure it's only a matter of time!


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