
Happy Thanksgiving Thursday!  I hope you're safe and well; we're good here.

I thought I'd take just a few minutes to list ten things I'm thankful/grateful for this year.  In no particular order:

Friends (yes, you!) and family who continue to be supportive, even in the wake of my unplanned semi-retirement, yarn obsession, and other quirks.

Oogyhubby, who gets his own listing (and because we're here together nearly 24/7 so I must drive him the craziest the most frequently).

The companies/clients that I'm working for - they provide both a modest income and a sense of belonging and contribution.

Technology, even our shitty internet, for making contact with friends, family, and work possible.

Resources such as Ravelry and YouTube that enable other knitters and crafters to show the rest of us how to do something like put in an afterthought heel.  My grandmother would be absolutely gobsmacked at all the patterns, techniques, and variety that has emerged.

Having my biggest problem for today be what to do if the pie doesn't solidify.  There are people who don't have secure shelter, food, or the (socially distanced) company of others, and I have all of those things and more.

Health.  None of us are getting any younger, but at least I can still get out of bed every morning unassisted!

Wegmans.  If you live near one, you get it; if not, be sure to visit one and then you'll know what I mean.

The abundance of fresh water that we have in this part of the country that provides us with safe drinking water, wine, beer, spirits, cheese and yogurt (via the cows), and apples.

Benson.  He'll be a terrific dog once he grows up and learns some manners :)

Best wishes to you and yours!


neuroknitter said…
That's a nice list. I'm going to give it some thought and come up with one, too.

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