I Didn't Knit a Single Stitch Yesterday!

Guess what day it is???  I hope this finds you safe and well; we're good here.

I've been pretty busy lately, and it's all good, but I realized earlier today that I didn't pick up any knitting at all yesterday, not even one stitch.  I'm not even sure the last time that happened.  It can't be good for my emotional well-being!

Including the small bit I did earlier today, I can report on some progress on Storm Clouds:

It's definitely too cheerful-looking to be associated with Storm Clouds, but there you go.

What you don't see in this photo is the stitch I dropped back in the last row of YOs.  So I had to fish it out and ladder it on up.  Hopefully no worse for the wear!

I don't have any wildlife updates to share, but until yesterday there was still enough snow on the ground to see the tracks from the deer cocktail parties the night before.  That's always fun to see!


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