
Hello on this Sesame Shrimp Friday!

Oogybro and his pets (Kanda, Jake, and Elwood) surprised Daisy with an earlier Xmas gift - a huge box of treats!

It looks like she's making off with one of the bags here, but she was actually just turning her head and it was the perfect angle!  She does really like them, though!

In other Daisy news - we've been teaching her how to go up and down the five stairs between the kitchen/hallway and the upstairs landing.  She seemed to understand 2-3 stairs but not more than that.  She started getting really good at going up AND down, and we were starting to think about how best to tackle the remaining 8 stairs when - she followed Oogyhubby upstairs last evening!  Of course then there was this whole other surprise of the upstairs and all the new rooms and smells.  I think she was a bit overwhelmed!  I half expected her to nose-bonk us during the night but that didn't happen.  We'll see what does!

Slow knitting continues - but I seem to be reaching the end of Pinion 2!  It's always fun to start a new section and see what adventures that brings.

Stay safe and well!


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