Clue 1! New Phone!!

Hello on this grilled brat(wurst) Thursday (with potato salad!).

May I present Clue 1, complete with Cairo passport stamp:

The plan is to start Clue 2 this evening - just in time for Clue 3 to arrive tomorrow!  Will I ever catch up?  Probably not, but it's still a blast!

Not sure if you can tell, but the above pic was taken with my new phone - which I finally got up and running yesterday (after a self-inflicted delay of several weeks!).  I loved my old phone but it would charge (or not) unreliably, and it was getting worse.  I got a reasonably-priced, refurbished iPhone and so am in the process of figuring out how it works (LOL) as well as getting all my calendar stuff updated (and who knows what else!).

In other news - after an even longer delay (I think it's been at least 5 years!), I got an eye exam and ordered new glasses yesterday!  My prescription hasn't changed that much, but my current glasses are old and are my only pair - and I wear them all the time these days.  Next stop - the dentist, but not for a few weeks yet.

Stay well and safe :)


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