Filling the Queue

So far, my short-term "Yarn Project List" (aka The Knitting Queue, although some of it is not knitting) has 15 items on it!  I've probably mentioned most of them to you at some point, but there are two brand new ones that deserve some special attention - they are gifts from Neuro!!

The first will require some advanced planning:

These look even more amazing in person, and the colors are just extraordinary!  The planning will involve what sort of project I'd like the eventual yarn to be, before I get to spinning it.  I'll need to do some research too - about exactly how to spin this stuff as well as what kind of yardage I might expect from the weight.  Each hankie is a flattened-out silkworm cocoon, and rumor has it that you just grab from the center and it unravels.  We'll see about that!

The next is something ready for me to dive into, which could be any day now:

Neuro dyed these awesome colors on a sock blank with this exact pattern in mind!!  All I have to is start knitting - no pesky ends involved!  And - the thing has some interesting engineering to it as well.  Super creative and amazing!!  Stay tuned!!

Last evening I realized that I can read and knit on the Warmup Cowl at the same time using my Chromebook (his name is Lenny).  I'm super psyched about this.  I've got a NYPL card, and feel like I'm making my way through their entire e-book collection!  (I'm up to F in the Grafton series, among other things!)

Not much going on with the wildlife scene, but on my way home from grocery shopping today my car's heat shield came loose at the end of our street.  I sounded like newlyweds pulling tin cans behind me as I made my way up the driveway.  I pulled it off and made an appointment to have it looked at later this week - depending on who you believe, you either don't need the thing, or your car will spontaneously ignite without it.  Better safe than sorry!


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