What - The H???

In the midst of yesterday's snow squalls (during which it felt like the entirety of Lake Ontario was redepositing itself upon us in frozen form), I took the opportunity to assess the state of - for lack of a better name at the moment - Granny Baby:

Here's what I've decided:

- Make 9 more small green squares to fill in the blanks

- Use the multi-colored yarn (extreme right corner) to join them all together, and perhaps create some borders around and/or between the colored square sections

- Use the remaining green (lower right corner) to finish off with a nice outside border

All that I needed to do next was remember what size crochet hook I was using, in order to match gauge.  This yarn is all worsted weight acrylic, so I grabbed what I had immediately available, an I and a G, and set off to work.  Long story short -

The square with the I was too big.  The G was way too small for the yarn.  I realized that needed an H.  I dimly recalled using an H - a blue one, with a funny tapered hook.  I also remembered digging it out some time ago (in the other house) and using it for something else.  No idea what that something else was.  So I set out in search of it.

I first checked the bag that holds most of my commonly-used tools and needles - but there was nothing in there but Gs and Ks, and a whole bunch of those small steel ones.  I then went to the bin that holds the rest of the tools; most of these were my grandma's.  It's a mishmash of a bunch of things, but I try to keep the double pointed needles together in one case, and the crochet hooks in another (that's about as organized as it gets).  Again - a ton of small, steel hooks.  A whole bunch of Fs, Gs, and Ks (what is it with the Ks?).  Not an H in sight!  I even had a set of plastic hooks, one of each size - but it's missing the H!

Then, I saw it - the magical baggie that had also contained the u-shaped cable needle that I had dug out for Neuro earlier this year.  There were at least 3 more Gs, but finally and behold - an H!!

(This means that, out of the 50+ crochet hooks that I must have in various places, only three of them are Hs - the wonky one that is obviously with some other languishing project, the plastic one which is who knows where, and this last one.  I feel like I should attach it to one of those bluetooth finder devices or something!!)

Anyway - after all of that, I managed to complete the first of the 9 green squares.  I'll keep you posted on how the rest of it comes together.  This isn't a priority, but it's a nice change from all the knitting.

Speaking of knitting - work continues on the Cousin Wedding Afghan; I'm just past the 65% point.  This is definitely a marathon, not a sprint!

During some recent stash rummaging, I came across a few items of cross-stitch that had also been languishing for some time.  A couple of them, silly little beach scenes and also very old, had once been framed, but I must have repurposed their frames for other things over the years.  I combined one of them with a themed picture frame (also never used and several years old), and now the item is residing happily in the downstairs bathroom, which came with an ocean theme (fish and shell stencils on the wall, and a beachy shower curtain):

I'm still debating what to do with the other one.

Lastly - yesterday morning I happened to glance out my window and spied our foxie cruising through the woods, parallel to the house.  It's been too windy for there to be any tracks remaining in the snow, but I'm sure the deer are still having their cocktail parties on the lawn after dark.

Two more days until Winter Solstice!  We can do it!!


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