Colorwork Galore!

I went on a knitting blitz yesterday, thinking that I wouldn't get much done today due to some competing priorities (which themselves might be shifting, so it's possible there will be a couple of mini-blitzes today, LOL).  I completed the Viking faces:

(I have to hold the work like that because it keeps curling at the top - that yarn is powerful stuff!)

I'm starting to believe that having this hat done by next Tuesday is a reasonable goal, even if "done" in this case means "off the needles".  Even though they're willing felters, there will still be a lot of ends to deal with. 

One of the great aspects of Fair Isle knitting is that there are only two colors in each row; even though you might be carrying a couple more along for the ride at the beginning of the row, they don't get too tangled, even with this sticky wool.  It's of course even easier when you have a friend (thanks, LW!) to show you how to knit two-handed, which for me involves throwing with my right hand (my go-to method for anything) and knitting Continental with my left.

I've got a lot of colorwork going on these days, for some reason - Goat Hat (yes, there will be a pic - but I think I need a head and will try to coerce Oogyhubby into lending his), BadAss Pawprint Jr. (I did another set of motifs yesterday!), and the languishing Colour My Own sweater.

Although it's not Fair Isle, the CWA is rather colorful and is also progressing:

In wildlife news: the goaties were out yesterday for the first time in a couple of days.  And there were birds everywhere for some reason.  I mean, the peckers and crows seem to stick around, but there was a bunch of smaller birds flitting around as well.  This morning, there were three deer grazing on this side of the small berm; with some regret, I shooed them away - we don't want them feeling too comfy close to the house. 


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