Socks to Mitts - Day One

No worries - I'm not going to count down the next four weeks each day for the February Gift theme, but I did spend some time with these items yesterday and I have a few updates.

This first pair taught me a great lesson: socks without heels just don't work, especially knit ones.  There's otherwise absolutely nothing wrong with these, so I ripped back a few rows to the start of the toe decrease, then bound off.  They're ready to go in the laundry now (unceremonious yet effective):

I'm going to keep these for myself - mostly because I have worn them on my feet a few times, and it would feel weird to give them to someone else after that (I'm sure they'd appreciate it as well).  The others will get the foot parts removed, so that's a little less creepy.

It took me a while to figure out what was wrong with this next pair, which is also a favorite of mine.  The yarn wears like iron, is very comfy, and they have kept a crisp look despite having been worn and washed many times.  It was only when I happened to remember snagging them on a nail (at our former house - the nails in the hardwood floors were always working loose, and it was like whack-a-mole to pound them in again; our deck is the same way).  There is a small break in the yarn, which I tried to emphasize in the pic against the backdrop.  This is just a small repair and, since we haven't lived in that house for more than a year, it's about time it got fixed:

I'm about halfway through this next one, re-knitting the ends:

I actually had to get the pattern out to remember how to work the buttonhole thumb opening (it's hard to see here but it's there on the right one!).  It first came out in 2002!  Before there was Ravelry, there was Knitty.  They did a great job with showcasing designers and free patterns before many others attempted to do so.  This particular pattern is fairly basic (just a 2x2 tube) except for the buttonhole part, which is genius: it doesn't stretch or move around or anything.  I actually wore out the yarn in that area, hence the need for this repair.  I'm pretty sure this was my first pair of wristwarmers too, so they would have been used for all manners of activity - dog walking, driving, shoveling, you name it.

I also did some more work on Goat Hat, and will definitely need more blue yarn - so I've ordered reinforcements (OK, only one skein of the blue, and a small friend to make the shipping less ridiculous with respect to the contents).

The deer seemed to spend most of the day grazing around in the woods, but at dusk I had to chase them away from the house again.  They don't always respond to my shouting "shoo!!", but they do seem to hate a good opera-style AAAAAHHHH!


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