Just When You Thought Spring Was Here...

Yup, it's snowing here today.  It's mostly behaving like rain, except it's starting to stick a little here and there (right now the flakes are so huge they look like they could take somebody's eye out!!).  All of the spring plants that were sending up their shoots will need to get out their mitts and slippers for the next couple of days!

Continued Pandemic Hats Off to Weggies!  I ventured out to do our weekly shopping earlier today, and they continue to have everything under control.  I only had to improvise on a couple of things (canned lentils vs. the dried ones - there wasn't a dried bean to spare!!  I don't think those had been on the rationing list, LOL).  

A new Pandemic Hats Off to Black Button Distilling, who began producing ethanol-based hand sanitizer a few days ago.  They were one of the first of our area's distillers, so have been a leader since their inception.  What a great way to help the community!!

I thought I'd mention the MCP again today; I haven't made much progress since the last pic, but I have applied an unusual amount of prophylactic stitch markers (I think there are 6 or 7 in total):

I hope you are all doing well; we're still good here!


neuroknitter said…
hmmm...is that a provisional cast-on I see? And why would one need so many stitch markers?
It snowed HERE today, too!!!

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