MCP Epidemiology

I hope you all are safe and healthy today; things here are still (relatively) uneventful, and we're well.

I think it's only fair that I share the pattern that gave me the idea for something coronavirus-related for our March Gift project.  It won't necessarily reveal anything major, because I spent some time yesterday modifying the chart for my own nefarious purposes.  In epidemiological terms, this is the MCP origin!  (And, from a virology perspective, I suppose I've created a mutation with my version of the chart!)

At the same time, I've also had to spend some time figuring out how I'm going to execute this idea; this involves watching some YouTube videos and making some decisions where there are options.  I also wound the red yarn into a ball, and will do the same for the white yarn today.  I should have everything I need to cast on at that point, and then off I'll go!

Meanwhile, I did some more work on BadAss Hybrid:

Eventually, I'm going to need a couple more small bits of blue-ish handspun to finish this; I'm good for a while, but I'll need to spin some more - oh, the irony!!

I've been neglecting the Goat Hat initiative, but I have a couple of new ideas as well.  I also haven't forgotten about the CWA (and all the other projects and proto-projects in the queue!).

We're expecting some big wind today, so hopefully the wildlife creatures have all battened down their hatches (or just moved to the middle of the woods, where these things are rather more subdued).


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