
I hope that today finds you all safe and healthy.  We're good here, and are glad it's Friday (among other things!!).

Of course, by this time of day I'm also counting down the time until "5:00 Somewhere", when I can concoct a judicious cocktail and contemplate cooking dinner whilst knitting something relatively mindless (Pure Joy fits that bill these days!).

Fortunately my current obsession is starting to align with my self-imposed deadline.  I'm about 1/3 of the way through My Corona, and I'm totally loving the beads:

Presto Cowlo is now dry and super soft as I'd hoped.  I'm actually going to send it off in the mail on Monday as a thank-you to a new friend; it will be just perfect for that.

In wildlife news - there is no news today.  We had blowing snow earlier today, and now it's just cold and windy.  At one point I was ready to start knitting tiny little hats for all the daffodils - they must be totally stunned with this weather!


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