
I hope this Thursday finds you well!  We're good here.

Remember that catch-all category on Jeopardy?  I think today is going to be a bit of that.

I don't have any new knitting to report, but I did locate a yarn sock for Neuro's yarn:

Literally.  A.  Sock.  For yarn.  This is a pair of ankle socks that I think I wore once and found them to be a bit short on my feet.  They also have a logo on them, so I've hidden it (no free advertising here, LOL!). 

These socks will hold the center-pull ball tightly and hopefully continue to compress it as I knit along.  This will prevent the ball from collapsing on itself and causing a tangled mess!

Earlier today I read an article about a bunch of museum curators in Europe (it's now gone global) who are having a contest on Twitter to see who can post a pic of the creepiest object in their collection.  Check out hashtag "Creepiestobject" on Twitter if you want to see them for yourself.  But you can't un-see these things - so proceed at your own risk!  (I give this thread my highest Oog rating - 4 Oogs!!!  Super interesting AND a bit scary!).

Yesterday Oogyhubby, out of desperation and dire need, asked if I would give him a haircut.  One YouTube video later,, and armed with his beard trimmer and attachments, I gave him a very passable, uncomplicated haircut.  He's still talking to me, so I think he doesn't hate it either.  (It helps that he is missing most of the hair on the top of his head, so I didn't have to worry about a good part of the surface area!)

Also yesterday I heard from my editor that she's queuing up some work for me in May as I approach the completion of the draft for my first project.  I'm super psyched - so far this has been a great group to work with.

So - I became a writer AND a barber, all in one day!!  Who knew????

I also wanted to tell you about an online course I'm taking through Coursera.  They are waiving their $50 certification fee for a bunch of their most popular courses through the end of May - I think you just have to sign up and start the course to qualify for the waivers (I think you can audit these courses for free but the cert seems so much more official!).  They have a lot of good stuff on there, so if you're looking to watch something other than cat videos or that tiger thing over on Netflix, I encourage you to check them out.

If you do - I also highly recommend the course Mindshift.  It's one of their most popular courses.  (I've just started Week 4, which sounds daunting except that each week is comprised of several short videos and a quiz - so it's more like two hours than a week, and you can zoom ahead if you like.)  So far it's really awesome.  The topic is primarily about learning - how our brains work, dispelling some myths about how we learn, etc.  It's an interesting blend of neuroscience and practical examples.  There are also some "extra credit" videos featuring a memory champion, where he provides some great tricks and tips about memorizing facts, lists, names, etc.

I don't have any wildlife news today either - all is quiet!


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