Raccoon, Proto-projects, and - Graupel?

I hope you are safe and well on this Hump Day - we're good here!

In case you haven't already noticed, Neuro has a new blog post!  Check out her blog here.  She and I evidently have the same "start-itis"; I've been gathering supplies for some new proto-projects so I might be a couple of days behind her:

On the left is what will become a face mask; on the right will become part of a Mother's Day gift.  (I realized with a shock yesterday that M's Day is less than a month away - time to spring into action, LOL!!)

I may have spent most of my knitting time yesterday working on Pure Joy; I've just finished the main section and am about to start the last section, which is all in the contrasting color.  I have only a few yards left of the Bare!!  I am starting to gather some of these small bundles to do some micro-dyeing (I just made that up - what do you think??).  I can use these small amounts in preemie mitts, and who's to notice if I chuck a small bundle into a dye pot or a microwave-bound bundle?

This week's weather forecast is calling for lower-than-normal temps, and possibly some more flurries or even graupel later in the week.  Graupel is a rare event, even here, so I'm always excited when it happens (even if it's causing the daffodils to retreat for a bit!).

In wildlife news - yesterday afternoon I was finishing up a conference call when I happened to look out the window and see a fat raccoon wandering around in the woods!!  It was strolling around, rummaging here and there in the leaves and things.  I knew we had raccoons here, but I've never seen any until yesterday!  This one looked happy and well-fed, which is about all I think I'd hope for a raccoon!


neuroknitter said…
You will have the most beautiful mask of them all!

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