Joyful Orchids

I hope you are well and enjoying your weekend thus far!  We're still good here.

I don't have a lot of new knitting to show you - work continues on My Corona and Pure Joy, primarily - so I thought I'd share a pic of what the orchids are up to these days:

Three out of five orchid plants have sent out flower stems; the one at the top of the pic is the furthest ahead and is also the one that bloomed last year at about this time.  The other two are new to this, as far as I can tell, but are doing a great job.  I can't wait to see what colors they are, and how long this whole process will last.  I'm trying to convince the other two to join in the fun, and one of them is budding something interesting so we'll see what becomes of that (they also shoot out air roots).

I am an accidental orchid caretaker.  When we bought this house, the seller had indicated that he wanted to leave an orchid plant for me; evidently he decided to leave the whole bunch of them.  Oogymom is the one with the green thumb, but evidently I do a passing job through my benign neglect.  Fortunately, orchids enjoy being watered only occasionally, and their spot in the light is slightly protected, bright, and usually warm.

The sun is out today, so hopefully I'll have some wildlife observations to report next time!


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