
I hope this Tuesday finds you all well - we're still good here!

Although I haven't made any dramatic yarn progress recently, I am at the halfway point for My Corona, and thought I'd share a pic here:

I'm ready to admit that it's not going to be done before the April Gift pattern is released (and we're on to another fun project adventure!).  I have a couple of reasons (not excuses) for that: 1) my new competing priority; and 2) the weight of the beads gives this thing some heft, and I'm finding that working on it too much (more than 3-4 rows/day) is reminding me to take care of avoiding repetitive motion issues (I may have blitzed on it a bit over the weekend!).  I'm going to aim for completing a couple of rows a day, which will take me to the end of the month.  Kind of like how our sheltering in place is going on for longer than some of us originally thought.  

Anyway - I love the beads, they are super cute and really add a special quality to this item.

In other adventures - I made my weekly trip out into "the world" yesterday, first to the post office and then to Weggies.  And of course there were some noticeable changes.  Although none of the customers I saw at the post office were wearing a face mask, about 80% of the people at Weggies were.  Maybe 40% were wearing gloves (and touching absolutely everything, including their cell phones - good grief).  Also, the areas near the deli counter and the pharmacy are starting to look like the queues at Disney - they are marking off where to line up, in which direction to travel, and where to stand.  This is a good thing, I can't complain.

AND - I was finally able to get some paper towels, a package of TP (not bilingual, LOL), and a container of hand soap.  These are all rationed to one package per customer, but it's more than we'll need for a couple of weeks.

I also saw some giant bags of pasta - penne and spaghetti - like 10 pounds each!!  That was nuts.  There was cheese this week.  I was able to get everything on my list except for Fluff - evidently that and many peanut butters continue to be in high demand.

Lastly - Neuro had asked how Oogyhubby's smoked eggs turned out.  His assessment was that they were good, but that he should have let them "marinate" longer after smoking.  I like the residual odor of the smoking process - it's like someone with a pipe walked by a few minutes ago.

We had big wind and rain yesterday, so there are no wildlife activities to report.  So far today, the birds are very active and noisy.  I'm still on the lookout for any fawns!


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