Mother's Day is May 10th!

Hello on this sunny Saturday!  I hope you are well; we're good here.

I finally cast on yesterday for my Mother's Day gift:

This will be a version of the Cassio Collar.  Oogymom likes purples; I had some of this silk and wool (left over from something?) and I dug around in my bead supply to find some nice beads to match.  The clear ones are left over from the shrug I made Oogymom for Xmas, so I'm pleased about that subtle connection.

This piece is posed on yet another Buttonhole Bag made with formerly ugly yarn that now looks super cute when felted into a bag.  I know I have some fugly wools in my deep stash (in the basement); one of these days I'll start to fish them out and make a bunch more of these bags (right after I make a bag out of the leftover slipper yarn?).

So - this thing needs to be finished, wrapped, and packaged for mailing in time for one of my scheduled journeys into the "outside world", likely Monday May 4.  Which seems a long time away except that it's really only 9 days.  What the heck - what happened to April??

I'm also puzzling through the Squircle pattern at the part where the strip along the back side is formed and used as the basis for the gusset.  Which means I've finished the cuff!

And, in spite of having several more projects in the immediate queue - My Corona, Pure Joy, preemie mitts, secret project #2 - I find myself still yearning to cast on something new.  I'll be patrolling the local stash (in the Rubber Tree Plant Room and also in the closet in my study) for the next candidate(s).

In wildlife news - I happened to look out my window this morning and see a deer grazing at the edge of the woods.  She was close enough where I could see her little deer lips eating the grass - they have become very efficiently designed for doing this!


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