Hello on this summery Thursday! Things here continue to be busy but mostly favorable :) I also continue to cast on new projects (see below), work a bit here and there on existing projects (mostly Shawlography and Criterion Cowl , and so finish nothing. Perhaps one day I'll have 4,000 FOs to show you!! (I do need to attempt to clear the decks at some point because Casapinka has another MKAL coming up in a few weeks and it requires 1600 yards of four different colors of fingering weight yearn - egads!!!). In the meantime, I had a fun series of events happen when I started on the I'm Not Who You Think I Am cowl (Neuro is also knitting this and may even be done with it by now!!). This cowl starts with an i-cord cast on, which I've done before but not exactly in this manner. The designer provided a link, so I happily worked along with the video. Only to discover, since I hadn't read ahead, that the video demo is for a larger cast-on than what the pattern calls for; t...