Another Week!!!

TGIF - again!!!  Where did the past week go???? 

I can tell you, I've been doing a lot of: test knitting, working, working, and trying to be a good test student (working!). 

I do have some measurable progress:

(Another terrible picture, LOL)

This is the test knit I'm working on.  It looks a million times better in the daylight of course.  This yarn has many color dimensions - there's blue and teal and black, among other things, and it just beams!  The yarn is a bit rustic but the fabric at this gauge is lovely (even though I find myself picking out the occasional small piece of hay).  I've been coming up to the end of the first cake of yarn for days - someone the yarn is reproducing at the core and I just can't seem to get to the end of it!  I was hoping that would be a good milestone but it continues to be elusive.

I have not knit on anything else, nor have I engaged in any other yarn-related crafts.  This may be a first!

In wildlife news - Oogyhubby called me downstairs one morning last weekend, saying there was something on our lawn.  It was small, brown and white, and appeared to have two ears.  Of course we didn't take pics, we were afraid it was a dead thing.  Then I made kissing noises out the window - and a little head popped up!!!  A baby deer!!  I walked slowly outside to see if it was injured or whatever else might be going on.  It saw me and got very flat against the ground, and its nose kept sniffing in my direction.  Oogyhubby came outside and the deer decided that two aliens were enough.  It stood up and ran towards the woods, then took a right into the tall grass of the field (where hopefully its mama found it after running her errands; otherwise the fox would have had a feast). 

Stay safe and well!!


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