Knitting Hack Saturday

I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to this being a weekly thing, but since today is Saturday and I've just come across a couple of really handy knitting hack suggestions (with thanks to the Mason-Dixon Knitting folks), I will post them here.

The first I might have tried to use with the Viking Fire Hat, but perhaps I made it too complicated (or worse, went in the wrong direction - I will blame that on the wine as well):

Video: Fixing a Twist

The second I'm going to use the next time I need to count rows.  I always arrogantly forge ahead thinking that I'll manage to track them all on paper, then something gets missed, and then it all goes to pieces:

Video: How to Keep Track of Rounds

In non-knitting news - today's wildlife sighting is of a red-bellied woodpecker.  Its black and white checkered cape distinguishes it from the red-headed woodpecker, which has a solid black back.  I believe I saw a male - their heads are all red (both crown and nape), whereas the red on the females is limited to their nape.


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