Ruana No More

Many years ago now, I decided I wanted to make the Three-Scarf Ruana from the book The Knit Stitch, by Sally Melville.  I even went on a special Yarn Quest with Neuroknitter to find the ideal yarn.  (This was so long ago that it pre-dates our blogs by a few years!)

I found the yarn - Mountain Mohair, by Green Mountain Spinnery, in Raspberry- it was perfect.  (During our Yarn Quest, we stayed one or two nights at the Putney Inn, which is right near the Spinnery, just off of I-91 and also within walking distance of a boat launch to the Connecticut River.  It was very lovely there!)

I made the ruana.  I don't know how many 100s of rows of garter stitch there were, or how many 1000s of yards of yarn I ended up using (there were cones, and more cones - even some tossed down from their overhead compartment!), but I seem to recall zipping right through it.

And - I never wore the thing.  It ended up being a little more than a large, complicated scarf, and a little less than a cape or loosely draped cardigan.  I would have been happy with either of those things, but it wasn't either one of them, and so the ruana has languished these past 15+ years.  Until now.

In the spirit of Starting Over, I frogged the whole thing.  You can't really tell from the photo, but this ball of yarn is about the size of a tether ball (slightly smaller than a basketball) - and there are two of them, plus one large softball-sized ball. 

I'm presently experimenting with drapey cardigan-like patterns, and if the latest one sticks I'll post more pics of my progress.  (If it doesn't - onward!)

In the meantime - more socks and booties!


neuroknitter said…
That trip was epic, and one I'll always remember. Cones of raspberry yarn falling from the attic at Green Mountain Spinnery! I'm eager to see what it becomes.

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