Never Have I Ever

 I wish I had some pics to show you all, but it happened so quickly on this Wednesday afternoon!

I happened to be looking out the window over the field mid-day today.  The farmer has been very busy and I saw some hay flying around at the edge of the field and figured he was whisking away.

Nope!  It was a wee whirligig!  A small vortex of loose hay made its way across the field and over to our outbuilding - when evidently it met enough resistance that it dissolved.  It's been getting gradually warmer every day and I wondered if somehow the cooler ground was interacting with the warmer air.  I waited to see if any others appeared, but did not see any.  I had to go back to work, so who knows what else went on!

I have never seen such a thing in my whole life.  Go figure!

Knitting continues on the NNW pillow #1, and I feel like I'm in the home stretch.  I may be starting the second one sooner than I thought!!

I hope you stay safe and well - wear your masks and be sure to be vaccinated - the Delta thing isn't messing around!


neuroknitter said…
A wee whirligig! I hope I see one of those some day.

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