New Skill Discovery

Hello on this Tortellini Tuesday!

You'll see these socks in their totality soon enough, but in the meantime I wanted to share my new skill with you: duplicate stitch!!

I didn't have enough of the pink yarn for the heels, but I thought it would be cute if I put a little heart on each instead (the toes and cuffs are this same pink color).  I've done singular duplicate stitches to cover mistakes in colorwork and so forth, but I've never worked an area this large before.  It's turning out great!  The trick is to keep a fairly tight tension and to be sure to nudge each stitch into its place - kind of like how I have to push my crocheting around.  Super cute, and not hard at all!!  Who knew??

In other news - after a weekend of lovely weather, it's getting muggy again.  Time to start that next batch of cold brewed iced tea!!

Stay well and safe!


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