What Was I Thinking???
After happily finishing the ribbing for JH #2 the other evening, I had to ponder the pattern for quite some time in order to figure out what exactly was going on. If I started the chart at the beginning of the row, the ribbing and cable patterns would be misaligned (it's a 1x1 rib except in those sections where the cable panel originates - in which case it's 2x2). After some contemplation, I decided to back the beginning of the row up to the point in the ribbing where it made sense to start the cable pattern. And I thought to myself - I don't remember this being an issue when I made JH #1!!! Well, for good reason - I had actually FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS for JH #1, and started the beginning of the row where the pattern author had indicated within the cable pattern (rather than at the beginning of the line). Doing so results in some jockeying around of the row marker each row, but it made sense the first time around, and I can't believe I didn't remember that (o...