A Murder!!

Well, of crows anyway.  I happened to look out my window early yesterday afternoon and saw this:

(Please continue to ignore the poor quality of my images and instead focus on the number of black dots - these are crows!!  Imagine them flying around in the air as well, and the caw-ing - oh my!!)

Just as mysteriously, they were gone about an hour later.

I can't believe they are migrating - they've been around most of the year.  Could they be taking a break from some kind of adventure?  Was there a crow convention in the area?  Perhaps a family reunion of sorts?

In yarn news - I decided to assess the availability of size 5 circular needles yesterday, hopefully the interchangeable ones where you can connect more than one cable together for those extra-long projects (like a big sweater or, say, an afghan border!).  Evidently, at one point (um, several years ago) I anticipated this need, because I'd obtained a 40" circular cable for my Denise set - AND the size 5 points happened to be in there!! (I'm always leaving these around in other projects so the set is in a state of perpetual incompleteness.)  I am all set to begin Phase IV!!  I've got some competing priorities today, but that's not to say I can't at least get this started in the daylight.

The plum fingerless mitts are done and ready for a swim - pic tomorrow!!  Um, and I've cast on for a pretty blue pair - probably fingerless again, given the partial skeins I have.  We've got another two weeks before March Gift is released, so that ought to give me time to finish up with this obsession!


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