Looking Forward and Back!
Hello on this lemon garlic salmon and green beans Thursday!! By way of food updates - Oogyhubby got me an InstaPot for Xmas, so I've been taking it for a test spin this past week. So far I've boiled water (to practice releasing the pressure - which scared the crap out of Daisy!), made carrot/ginger soup (was OK), and made a shawarma (delicious but I added too much curry powder; can't wait to make again!). I've ordered a cookbook full of InstaPot recipes, and will look forward to exploring that too! I completely forgot that I took a picture of Sharon Air while it was drying (I've since worn it 2-3 times already!): There's tons more things in the works but nothing quite yet to show for it all; as usual, more to come on that! In other news - I came home the other day from running an errand and heard this strange noise in the background. Upon further investigation, it was coming from a kajillion birds all perched in the tops of the trees nearby (those little dot...